The dataset consists of a time series (251 steps) of 3D scalar fields on a spherical 180x201x360 grid covering 500 Myr of geological time. Each time step is 2 Myrs, and the fields are:
- temperature [degrees K],
- three Cartesian velocity components [m/s],
- thermal conductivity anomaly [Watt/m/K],
- thermal expansivity anomaly [1/K],
- temperature anomaly [degrees K], and
- spin transition-induced density anomaly [kg/m^3].
The simulation was performed in double precision, however, to reduce downloading time, we provide the data in single precision. Each file was saved in a NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) convention format, with each 3D scalar field being a function of latitude [degrees north], longitude [degrees east], and radius [km]. The model’s inner and outer radii are 3485 km and 6371 km, respectively.
The spin transition-induced density anomaly is formally defined at the top of the second column of page 11 in Shahnas et al. (2011) – paper [1] below. Without going into complex physics, you can think of it as the local anomaly (compared to the laterally-averaged value) of the density with the spin transition taken into account.
All four anomalies above (thermal conductivity, thermal expansivity, temperature, and spin transition-induced density) were computed relative to the laterally-averaged values of the respective variables and consequently will be positive in some regions and negative in others.
- M. H. Shahnas, W. R. Peltier, Z. Wu, R. Wentzcovitch (2011): The high pressure electronic spin transition in iron: potential impacts upon mantle mixing. J. Geophys. Res. 116, B08205
- M. H. Shahnas, R. N. Pysklywec, and D. A. Yuen (2016): Spawning superplumes from the midmantle: The impact of spin transitions in the mantle. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17, 4051-4063
- M. H. Shahnas, D. A. Yuen, R.N. Pysklywec (2017): Mid-mantle heterogeneities and iron spin transition in the lower mantle: Implications for mid-mantle slab stagnation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 458, 293–304
- Researcher’s page at the University of Toronto
Accessing the Dataset
The 251 steps are grouped into 25 gzipped tar files mantle{01..25}.tgz
– see the table below. To start working on the
project, you can download only mantle01.tgz
, but for a production-quality animation you will need all 25 files.
File | Timestep range | Size | MD5 checksum |
mantle01.tgz | 001..010 | 3.2GB | 6aa435a58ac9487f48291c363eccde6e |
mantle02.tgz | 011..020 | 3.2GB | dbc46f9cffb665a5bccfc95a4a864079 |
mantle03.tgz | 021..030 | 3.2GB | cffe250d3388bbd317a44eda88ccf0df |
mantle04.tgz | 031..040 | 3.2GB | 84979f5daf4470eb81b9cbdb0c981fa6 |
mantle05.tgz | 041..050 | 3.2GB | 4dce2df4da2a7ef4b5b174b5a49af4d0 |
mantle06.tgz | 051..060 | 3.2GB | 97bd7e2ae99b49ac1732ced3b20ba77d |
mantle07.tgz | 061..070 | 3.2GB | 5a4fab7180456d99fbb19175a05ea3b1 |
mantle08.tgz | 071..080 | 3.2GB | 4caaea5992f66e391535e079575e29f6 |
mantle09.tgz | 081..090 | 3.2GB | e282bbd474529a858ddddb627204f88f |
mantle10.tgz | 091..100 | 3.2GB | 1899ecec0756540957f2d18094c39948 |
mantle11.tgz | 101..110 | 3.2GB | daaac28e6989f68bd4bff4117a2645d5 |
mantle12.tgz | 111..120 | 3.2GB | e335c9fed2448ca7bfc24a01a78759e6 |
mantle13.tgz | 121..130 | 3.2GB | 01a85d3402c89d964b9158ca6bc6665d |
mantle14.tgz | 131..140 | 3.2GB | c1195cd3ba48b17874507f5f03ed0dd5 |
mantle15.tgz | 141..150 | 3.2GB | 8c25f1996c5eaf5ac0a50114170cd436 |
mantle16.tgz | 151..160 | 3.2GB | 5659e592a8dbbc7d6d3f6ebc10a1e3c0 |
mantle17.tgz | 161..170 | 3.2GB | e59fccb6cabb87e232f30a6c7ce2cbbb |
mantle18.tgz | 171..180 | 3.2GB | 38a0007cf2676e64eac91ec9c9f3034c |
mantle19.tgz | 181..190 | 3.2GB | 8ee1cf466264303d5822aede27477151 |
mantle20.tgz | 191..200 | 3.2GB | 9c6163d659ebac7d9d8f72b6592a3994 |
mantle21.tgz | 201..210 | 3.2GB | fabba593dd5274d98aa9c48d5fea701a |
mantle22.tgz | 211..220 | 3.2GB | 8e4ce089409629c7f5122c1c6f19d6db |
mantle23.tgz | 221..230 | 3.2GB | a78d3fd385baf8c1ec78eda7b69a2394 |
mantle24.tgz | 231..240 | 3.2GB | d551765802f1aa9b399763beadf8f44e |
mantle25.tgz | 241..251 | 3.5GB | eff0d9d0b62522559a53a4eb11aea579 |
To download all files in bash command line:
urls=( edS6be3sk8oQ58N infBBW2Rc9TJwf7 76Esj3yDP9EiaGc AZmt47d48prCZZF
9fZ4A7ENGR6sQrc B8HC3H4oqwcsWB3 t3zLJWWeirR5zmG YmkYgxM7xxrNAwj
rMma6W9MBtQH9LX MzcZBCaxaojTZJx dfP6NXHmekQQrHR 2GnLRgPi8W2Dt5p
MqtoESg2d9DsF2P ysGoJK6B3pLYaDB Ae32XwCpt7bHo9D AysWSPnxFS6e5B2
4NcnJkPYWpkXrmb mBRfrnfEEEaKJ9m J63KxeCppK8ssGc NeqnHBNPWx4PRwd
JdzZQCKiHaRfL9L DXnWtA5fymHBsxA HzgtF42Pf9AnxGm yy8FASeC8Dm54Sy
TC8QekmjokmBkWA )
for i in $(seq 0 24); do
wget"${urls[$i]}"/download -O mantle"$(printf "%02d\n" $((i+1)))".tgz
Loading the Data in ParaView
The dataset can be read directly in ParaView (tested in 5.5 and 5.8), both as single files and as a time series.
The 3D velocity vector can be assembled via the Calculator filter
velocity = (iHat*vx + jHat*vy + kHat*vz) * 1e9
where we recommend to change the scaling to [nm/s] to avoid dealing with very small numbers.
Loading the Data in Python
In Python you can read each time step into an xarray.Dataset
containing multiple variables:
import xarray as xr
data = xr.open_dataset('')
print(data) # show all variables inside this dataset
print(data.temperature.values) # this is a 180x201x360 numpy array
print(data.r) # radial discretization
Alternatively, you can use the traditional netCDF4 Python interface:
import netCDF4 as nc
all = nc.Dataset('', 'r')
print(all) # show all variables inside this dataset
print(all.variables['temperature'][:,:,:]) # this is a 180x201x360 numpy array
print(all.variables['r'][:]) # radial discretization
Data courtesy of the Pysklywec Lab (Russell Pysklywec and Hosein Shahnas) at the University of Toronto. The simulation was conducted using Compute Canada’s Niagara cluster.